How can a nutritionist help me?

Sheeba Majmudar assists with many health issues such as obesity, eczema, IBS, food allergies, constipation, low immunity, fatigue, fatty liver, insomnia, hormonal issues, and helps with sports training, detoxification, and healthy cooking and shopping. The internet usually misinforms the public, so professional advice can not only save you money, but it can be critical to prevent complications.

What does the process involve if I decide to see Sheeba?

First, please email her or SMS her to fix an appointment. You will need a recent (3–4 months old) blood test report for the consult. If you don’t have one, you may need to get one done. Please ask her about this. During the consult, Sheeba analyses the client's blood test using functional chemistry, and then, based on the client’s medical history, goals, and lifestyle limitations, she recommends a diet, supplements, and lifestyle modifications. A follow up is recommended within a month’s time.

Do I need to get tests done to achieve my goals?

To determine core issues, a blood test can determine what nutrients are missing and what is in excess (including toxins), which can help customize a plan. This is more effective compared to a general consultation based on medical history. A blood test can also be used as a reference if you are using nutrition to address your health challenges, and help reduce medication as determined by a doctor.

Do I have to buy all the supplements from you?

Sheeba does not think it is ethically correct to sell a specific brand. All brands have different strengths and weaknesses with regard to herbs, vitamins, or food supplements. She recommends what supplements to buy and where. You can ask her about the quality of the supplements you are currently using.

How do I know the program is working?

The client becomes an active partner in the journey towards optimum wellness. The end result will depend upon the amount of commitment you have put into the program and when you start feeling good, you start looking good! But getting another blood test or assessment done can reveal undeniable results.

Does that mean I need to turn into an herbivore and eat mainly fruits and vegetables?

A complete nutrition program will never keep you hungry, and will increase—not decrease— your food choices. It will make you more aware of the amazing variety of healthy foods you can eat so you have more options at the end of the day.

I don't live in Singapore or Japan. Can a remote consult still help me?

Your program will be tailored to your lifestyle

Do I get a detailed menu plan or chart to follow?

Sheeba does not follow the traditional nutritionist format of handing out daily menu plans and recipes. She will provide a broader list—to teach her clients how to fish rather than providing the fish. If you are not ready for that, then a traditional health coach might better meet your needs.