Health Tips

Mindfulness for Self-defense

September 25, 2020
Sheeba Majmudar
The Nutritionist
How to fight your addiction habits.

Our sympathy for chain-smokers and inveterate gamblers should extend to ourselves. We’re also slaves of addiction.

Facebook, its founding president admits, exploits “a vulnerability in human psychology.”* Whenever someone likes or comments on our pictures, our brain releases dopamine—a neurotransmitter that motivates reward-yielding actions.* The reward is the gratifying feeling you get when you receive a like, motivating you to consistently check Facebook—and form an addiction.

Junk food works the same way. It causes larger releases of dopamine, due to the excessive sugar, salt, and fat content, than whole foods.* The result: you always eat more than you planned, and you habitually crave junk food.

Therefore, we must learn how to defend ourselves from an environment designed to allure and distract. Our defense: Mindfulness. It is, to me, leaving no thought unchecked. What do you think about when you wake up? Why do you think about it? The thoughts you repeat define you. When your phone pings, is your inclination to check it because of an intelligent purpose or irrepressible habit? You’ll distinguish which one through mindfulness.

Mindfulness also begets equanimity. When you catch yourself thinking about something worrisome or upsetting, direct your thoughts towards gratitude. Practicing this during the troubles of ordinary life—like working on a deadline or waiting for a taxi—prepares you for provocative circumstances. A motorist cutting you off or a friend cancelling last-minute won’t anger you. Instead of reacting with your emotions, you’ll respond rationally.

Another way to practice mindfulness is meditation: a tool to clear your mind or recuperate from stress. Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and when your mind wanders off, pull it back into focus. Start with five-minute sessions and lengthen them as you improve.

Once a habit, mindfulness provides emotional and mental stability. You’ll think twice before succumbing to cravings and impulses. Distractions such as social media won’t control you; you’ll produce better work from improved focus. Improve your life with nothing but a little awareness and gratitude.


What the others had to say about their sessions with Sheeba

Clients testimonial, over 1,000 clients have gone through it.

Richard J . Lang

An incredible volume of knowledge packed into a manageable size book. Read it through and also use it as a handbook or guide. The material is heavily based on science, but presented in such a way as to function as a checklist. This book is downright fascinating, too. If you desire a longer, healthier life, this book would be a good starting point

Doug Sandler

Great tool box filled with ways to make your life healthier. Thank you Sheeba. I never seem to make the time to learn about the importance of wht goes into my body. Life's problems cannot be fixed by taking a pill. Let's get to the root of it with Edible to Incredible.

Dr Annika

This book is packed with important information on what to eat and what not to eat. It is about how to think around food and not only talk about calories (energy) but more about nutrients. We need a shift in what we eat in the western society and this books gives you very good giudance.

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